My photos uploaded in such a crazy way, and I can't put them in order! So, this is going to be the messiest post, but at least it's a post :)
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and we had a great time this year! We threw a party for my kids friends (had awesome crafts, decorated cookies, danced, had a pinata and steve had glow in the dark bubbles in the garage). It was awesome.
Speaking of awesome, we made Maddie's SheRa costume and Emilie's costume as a ghost:

Super cute kids if I don't say so myself :)

Flash forward tons of weeks- this is the worst picture EVER, but I helped design the kids room for a Creche exhibit in our neighborhood- and I think it turned out awesome! We strung lights, then sheers, and made these stars :) It was a lot of work, but it's always worth it.

We also had Maddie's birthday party- her 5th! I can't believe it! We decorated aprons, made pizzas from scratch, decorated cupcakes and had a magic show. Maddie had a great time and so did we (after the clean up!)

This recipe was awesome.

I ordered everything off of amazon- love love amazon.

The cute aprons and stencils we decorated with.

Most of all the cute party goers :) We had a lot of fun!

And, here is the great lead in to Thanksgiving! My dad came out and it was a perfect weekend! We had dinner, relaxed at the house on Thursday, and then on Friday... went to a Christmas Tree Farm and then the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay, went swimming on Saturday and played at the park... and relaxed on Sunday. It was a great weekend.

At the Ritz...

This Christmas tree farm has THE coolest swings- how can you beat a tire swing hanging from the tallest eucalyptus tree? So awesome- would love to have some in my backyard someday!

Hanging out on the hammock at the farm..

Thanksgiving day...

At the beach...

NOT THANKSGIVING! For Halloween, we hosted a little dinner with "scary" food- here are some bones!

Some ghosts...

Eyeball salad.

Delicious teeth.

Super cute orange pumpkins with fruit salad. Yum!
Worms in dirt...It was a super scary and delicious night!

One of my favorite parties was this one- we come and have a pumpkin decorating contest and then arm wrestle? Yes- that's right. It is super fun... and I always feel like a super weak lamo when I feel just how "strong" everyone is! Ah!

Last but not least, Steve's mom came to visit- and we had a great time. We visited a farm/pumpkin patch place on the way to the coast. My kids always have a great time here.

These sneaky goats kept on eating emilies clothes.

The sheriff.

The cowgirl.

The outlaw.

Great times :)

Somewhere in between this, we bought a trampoline. It has been super fun, but it was a BEAST to assemble. I did it all myself, and it took all afternoon- the directions were the worst. But, Maddie was the best little cheerleader-- Mom, just keep on focusing. You can do it. Well, who can say no to that?

This is also the worst pic ever... but we threw a shower for a friend of ours, and it was a lot of fun- the food was delicious, the people were great to talk to :) Not many more people having their firsts...does that mean I'm old?
Now my pledge: I will post at least once every two weeks. This is getting pathetic. I know.
Good to see what you guys have been up to. You seriously are amazing at throwing parties. I'm always very impressed with your party pictures. It's a great talent/love to have! Glad you're all doing well. Maybe we'll see you guys the next time you visit Utah!
That pizza dough WAS delicious! I need the recipe. Also, I don't think I ever saw Maddie in her full SheRa get-up. She looked incredible! It's crazy that you made that. I'm looking forward to more posts!
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