It has been a while since I've posted on Emilie... I LOVE HER.
She has blossomed so much lately. If I could pick one word about her it would be: smiles. In the morning when I get her out of her crib, she turns over and smiles. When I feed her breakfast: smiles. When she's playing on the other side of the room and we exchange glances: smiles.
Of course, she is definitely getting more of a personality and has her share of cries during the day, but she is smiling so much, I can't stop but smile with her.

She is doing her first sign language! She basically does it to everything- but at least she's doing it! This is the first time she signed "more."

She is mobile and out on the loose. I need to child proof my kitchen asap before there is a major disaster sometime soon.

For good and bad, Maddie grabs her, and moves her around the house at will all day long. Fortunately, Emilie likes it 50% of the time.

I love this shot because it's semi distorted, but so funny. She doesn't like it when I hold my camera, because she wants to hold it...

I love this little face.

She is obsessed with grabbing our kitchen chairs and pushing them around the house. It's her little walker.

Loves them.

Well, only until one of us rescues her b/c she can't let go.
love you emi.
Such cute pictures of Emilie! I am totally impressed that you managed to capture the first signing!!
Also I love the distortion pic too - It really shows her personality!!
What a cutie!!
I've said it a million times but she is the happiest, smile-i-est baby I've ever seen. I want one JUST like that.
P.S. We have to have Maddie over more often. It's gotten to the point where it's not "babysitting"--it just makes my life easier. I promise not to break her legs.
I love that Emi gets "stuck" on the chair. What good parents you are for coming to her rescue. ;)
since she's been born she's been smiling! what a little love.
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