GAP, Banana Republic, J Crew, Ann Taylor, Ann Taylor Loft, Anthropologie, Target, Walmart etc etc. They are all in on it.
100% cotton shirts look fabulous at the store, but you wear them once, throw them in the wash, and it looks ok. Wear it again, throw it in the wash, and it's not looking so good. Wear it a third time, throw it in the wash and you've got a ragged/ratty mess that even your dog won't wear.
So- what do you do? Walk on over to the store again, and buy that 100% cotton shirt to repeat the process OVER and OVER and OVER again.... which equals $$$$ for the above.
What happened to the lycra/cotton or poly/cotton blends?? I bought some of these shirts from Banana a while ago, and they are still golden-- 2 years later!!
I think I've been to almost every web site and store over the past couple of weeks searching for my lycra/cottons, and they are no wear to be seen.
and don't fall for the "supersoft" cotton! It's made with cotton/modal, which I hear is even WORSE than $100 cotton.
What is a girl to do?
I'm telling you Alie, DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE DRYER. I hang dry ALLLLL of our clothes (expect pajamas and underwear) and it makes them last forever. I get a drying rack to make it easy. Seriously, I really like it, some people would probably think I'm crazy but it's kind of therapeutic for me.
I totally agree! Never buy 100% cotton shirts. :)
steph- wow, that is very impressive. don't they come out really wrinkly?
such a good idea - it does seem like the cotton shirts are always determined to fade...
No they don't get all wrinkled. I just shake them out and hang them and I love it. Also, if you never dry your clothes no stains ever set in, so if you didn't notice it the first time around you can get it the next.
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