About once every week, I melt down. Probably because Steve is never home, I'm tired, and I need a break. Of course, this is not normal, but when your husband is building a house with a full time job and enormous church commitments, on top of everything else, I am happy that I'm not in a white jacket :)
Of course, there are people that are obviously worse off than me- and I'm so greatful for what I have, but life aint so easy all the time. I listened to a NPR special of a mom who basically is raising her family by herself, and has given birth to two children alone, while her husband is fighting overseas? Yikes. This is the story that makes me keep on going. But... on the days that I can't, I melt.
Today was one of those days, and Steve stayed home for the night. Maddie went swimming with him- so it was nice to just sit out on the lawnchairs and watch them play. Breathe.
Luckily, I really love my job and have been doing a lot of photoshoots recently, so these are great escapes... but still add to tiredness. I can't wait until the day that we all have robots in our homes like the Jetsons. That would be awesome and I guarantee you I will be first in line.

Here are the adorable pictures in the pool of the two loves of my life:

It happens to the best of us. Everyone just needs an hour or two to themselves every week to do such luxurious things as vacuum and scrub toilets. Let me take Maddie more, or try to get her hooked on more tv!
Meltdowns are pretty normal I think/hope!! especially under you circumstances! Such a sweet pic of both of them! and I cant wait for your house to be done and your husband to be returned!!
I have the perfect solution: 1)I live very close to a fun park, 2)I have a double jogger stroller, 3)I have a very comfy couch. So...you should come over to my house, let me take M & A to the park while you take a nice nap on my couch. When I'm working, building a house, preg with my 2nd, missing a hubby, I'll let you do the same for me. Please take me up on it!
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