I cried when I turned 16. I cried when I turned 18. I cried when I turned 21. I have always been very very emotional at the thought of losing the past and getting older.
Now, 30 is only 3 days away. Yes, I'm old. But- I don't think I'm going to cry this year. I am excited to be 30! It means people can tell me that I still look 21 (hee hee).
I am most excited about my 30th birthday party! My super friends are throwing a little party in a couple of weeks.... we're going to start off with "the amazing race" and then have dinner/socializing. I was a little skeptical about the race part, but I've overheard some of the challenges, and they are seriously hilarious. We're having the dinner in our housing project. Of course, it will not be even 50% done, but we're thinking of hanging lanterns... lots of colors from the rafters... it will be awesome. And- people will have to go the bathroom in the port o potty!!!! YIPEE!!

The only thing I requested is that we all wear birthday hats. (maybe we'll make them, i'm not sure), and that we have cupcakes. I love cupcakes for some reason. Lemon cupcakes, chocolate cupcakes, vanilla cupcakes... OH YUM!!! And- they are so beautiful.

happy b-day in a few days!! save a cupcake for me, would ya?
I want that Martha Stewart cupcake holder like nobody's business! Can't wait...
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