He was really grateful for all of the help, and we were excited to see some walls go up. But- for the faint hearted, please don't build a house on your own! I don't think I will ever embark on this adventure again ( I guess I shouldn't say never). It is very stressful and will take up every waking moment of your life!! I hope when this is all over, I will say "it was all worth it!" For now, I'm trying to be supportive, and to keep a good attitude.

Thank you for everyone's help!!!
While Steve was transfixed with 2 x 4's, I tried to keep myself busy. The highlights of the past week were:
1. Designing my friend's baby announcement with the pics I took when he was around 2 weeks old. It is so darn cute- I can't wait to see all of her pictures and announcements come back from the printers. I want to post it-- but I also want it to be a surprise for those of you who will get it!!
2. Picking our front entrance door. Although this was incredibly stressful/agonizing to pick from 1 million designs and try to keep within our budget, I'm excited to see the door in the house. I'm a craftsman style lover (for those of you who know what that is), so I stuck with that style... It's very linear, boxy. I think I'm going to paint the entire entryway white...
3. Swimming. Friday and Saturday were the hottest days this year, and I couldn't keep myself away from water. On Friday, we went to the Stanford Pool, and on Saturday we went to the YMCA. So fun! With some coaching from my friend, I started teaching Maddie to put her head under the water. The idea is that she will start holding her breath, but for now she's just swallowing gallons of water!
4. Church. Sunday was a good day for both of us, and we are greatful for the many blessings we have.
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