We tried to clear her lungs in the office using a nebulizer:

You see how great this girl is? Well- we were no where near this calm/happiness. Screaming/thrashing/yelling/red face are all descriptions of yesterdays adventures. I don't think she breathed in more than 10 seconds of the stuff.
But- we left, spent $60 dollars on antibiotics and an inhaler (Wow)... and we are on the road to getting her better. BTW (she isn't contagious if you're worried).
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! I got Steve a Valentines Pig (we love pigs)...

Yikes! Poor Maddie and poor you!!! What do you say we reschedule Max's pictures? :)
Poor Maddie!! Let me know if I can help you with anything. Hope she gets better quick!
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