I got my hair trimmed today- which felt so great. There is just something about having someone pamper you for an hour. I loved it. I always think I should do something extreme like Katie Holmes, but I just can't do it. I had short hair once in my life, and I just don't think I looked good. I think I look better with long hair-- and I'm going to try and milk it as long as I'm "young" enough to pull it off.

I wish I could sit down with a "hair guru" and have them tell me what type of hair would look best. Do I have an oval face, a long face? And- what does that mean? I know it's vain... but it would be nice for someone to tell you that earlier on in your life, so you know what to stick with-- and not wish you could do something else....
Oh no! I was supposed to babysit! Dang it! Glad you got it cut, though. And I love your long hair. I think we all have that desire for the rash, short cut. And we all act upon it at times. And it DOES grow back. But I'm glad you refrained.
You have beautiful hair and could wear it anyway you wanted, but since it is so pretty I would milk it as long as you can! If you find someone to tell you how to wear it let me know...I am only going off the fact that I chopped it 3 times short and each time it looking like my face suddenly turned super round and was so unattractive that I immediately grew it out, but every once in awhile I wonder if I just didnt do the RIGHT short hair cut... so let me know if you find anyone!
PS- I heard the way to figure out what type of face you have is to stand in front of a mirror and trace the outline of your face with soap/marker on the mirror and step back and see what shape it looks like.
I wish I had your long, beautiful hair! You know what, though? I can see you with a Katie Holmes-type of style! You have the face! I think there are some places (maybe even on the Internet) that can take a picture of you and show you what you might look like with different hair styles!
That is what I should've done! Since I just moved, I didn't know where to go for a cut. So, a month ago, I asked for a trim and got 3 inches chopped off (I just about died when the stylist responded to my plea of not cutting too much with: "Don't worry about length!"), and I've been crying myself to sleep every night since then!
You're absolutely right---let's milk our youth (and everything associated with it) as long as we can!
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