The government just announced that the fake Halloween teeth sold by the tens of thousands last year contained 100 times the allowable level of lead.
Ok- this just makes me sick. Last year- I put one of these teeth in my mouth at a friend's party. The picture is a bit small- but all of us have it in our mouths.
This is just one of many news reports that makes me want to move to my own farm in Alaska and grow my own food, filter my own water etc. I know, I know, this is a little extreme... but our world is getting a little too toxic for my taste. You can't eat too much tuna fish or salmon because we pollute our oceans, or use certain types of water bottles because toxins will get into your water... and now you can't even put Halloween teeth in your mouth.
1 comment:
Growing your own food can be even more dangerous to add on, all sorts of bacteria:) there isnt a good reason that toys are unsafe though! It is just our stupid market and drive for everything being the cheapest!! If we actually paid people decent wages and paid for the inspectors we would get good products! Half the stuff made overseas we would buy for 3xs the amount becaues we have laws in place that say we have to do it right! (we just looked at doing products over here so it already has me mad!! and then I read you blog and wrote this long comment:))so sad:( you guys look HOT with the teeth though:)
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