Life does go by faster and faster. A week ago, Maddie and I went on a date to see a dance concert at Stanford, and I couldn't believe how old I felt. The dancers were 17 years younger than me?! Is that possible- I guess so!! And, here I was with my 6 year old daughter. It is a little scary. I mean, wasn't I just a college sophmore last year? Obviously not, but it just doesn't feel like it's that long ago.
So, in the spirit of life just wizzing past- this update is a mishmash of photos of what we've been up to.. taken on my cell phone, our little camera, or people sending me text photos. It think it's kind of fun, because it is just life- which we are super blessed with :)
I love bread, and lots of it.
Our pathetic attempt go be tough?
We have also been baking. We tried a pineapple cake with coconut frosting... and it was super delicious. We loooovvve food.
Emilie's first time icing a cake! Not bad!!
I'm not sure what this was, but they are cute!
Emilie and I love to paint our nails... when Sebastian goes down for a nap, and I'm feeling lazy and don't hit the treadmill, we cozy up and paint our nails... this is a great time for us... and one my highlights of being a mom.
Emilie's self portrait.
We tend to be a project family, whether by choice or not! I derailed Steve from the attic to make some super long desks for our little study so we could do our homework and I could work from home more easily. It is super convenient to have all these tools, but even more convenient to be married to Steve.
Maddie adores her dad. She still continues to wrap presents for him everyday when he gets home from work, and writes him notes. Ok- I'm jealous. But- it's still cute. She loves his projects!
And, of course, the biggest jester of all:
Sebastian just recently started sitting up without falling down, and it has been super nice to sit him on the grass outside. He loves staring at the crows and picking the grass... ah bliss!
Project computer room/study needed rolling cabinets, and the only ones that we liked were at Cb2... in the city. I don't know how I did it, but I drove up there with Sebi and Emilie, picked them up, and drove back. My kids were angels, and I am so lucky. I love this photo because Emilie wanted to drive up and down the really steep streets, so this is us after we went down a really steep street and we looked over and these guys were throwing pizzas in the air. I need to get up to the city more often. But, I'm glad that we live so close!

I have been slighlty out of touch with one of my friends from college, but have been wanting to see her recently. She has a girl named Emily too- and they are the same age- we got them together and it was magic :) Emily/Emilie were darling. I think we're going to make this a biweekly playdate. I love meeting with my friend J because I learn so much from her and she is so down to earth- she has 3 older boys and is doing such an amazing job raising them... I just soak up all of her wisdom.
We have been trying to do little outings as a family before our projects take up our entire weekend. One of these Saturdays, we went to Baylands Park in Sunnyvale, and we had a blast biking around, well Emilie had a great time being pulled around!
On Wednesdays, Maddie's elementary school has ice cream days- and it is a highlight for my kids! Maddie always gets the rainbow swirly ice cream, and Emily gets the rocket kind... and sometimes I get fudge. Delicious- and what a great tradition.
Mostly because of Steve, Maddie loves frisbee- and so has become one of our sports. I am soooo bad at it- but maybe one of these days I'll get better! We have been to the park many afternoons throwing it around...
Here are the frisbee champs- and I am not bragging- Maddie is really good. Maybe these frisbee skills can get her a scholarship to Stanford, or wherever she wants to go... ha!
Easter crafts that Laura gave us... so nice!
And shoes she knitted--- amazing.
We love the missionaries in our church- and we have lots of them. I think we have 7 of them, and it is a stretch when they come over for dinner, but it is always the best and such a pick me up. I love these elders- they make me feel like Sebi is going to be them one day. And, these sisters are some of the happiest women I've met. Maddie made them cards when they came over... this is why they are holding them up! Good job Mads!
The goofs:
We had dinner with friends, and their kids. They had tons of fun and didn't want anything to do with us!
How to train a dragon and chocolate bread pudding = heaven.
Steve's brother and sister in law sent Emi some money for her birthday (so nice), and the obvious choice was to spend it on a barbie. And- this is no ordinary barbie- she pedals a bike with movable legs... sounds weird, but it is actually pretty cool!
More biking... and riding...
A gave me flowers a couple of weeks ago and it made me so happy.
Maddie started piano two months ago, and she has been awesome! I love our teacher because she is 5 minutes walking distance from our house and school, and it is just perfect. This is my view every Tuesday after school, and I love hearing her play. It brings back so many great childhood memories waiting for my lessons. I hope she learns to love music!
Some great friends at the park...
A couple of weeks ago, this girl came to visit, and it was so great to see her- we all miss her so much, and it is super sad that she moved away. Ah, I *HATE* that everyone moves away!
Our styln girlie.