Once upon a time in January, we threw a birthday party for EMI! She is a Hello Kitty Lover, so we had no problem thinking about what theme we would have :) We made these yummy cupcakes...

And then hatched a game involving Hello Kitty being kidnapped by a horrible monster, and all of the kids following a map and getting clues/points to find out where the monster was... The kids had tons of fun! But, I couldn't take pictures since my hands were full... boo!

But we did take tons of pics of Emi before her party. This is what she chose to wear!! Whoo hoo!

Pose #1

Pose #2

Pose #3

Pose #4

Pose #5

Pose #6

Pose #7

Pose #8. Couldn't edit any of them. She is just that cute- and we love her so much. Happy Birthday our dear Emilie !!!

Somewhere around Feb-March, we went to the beach!! Yet one of the many reasons why we love California!!

Aside from chillaxin, there was an awesome sting ray that beached itself next to our spot... it was super cool- I mean, not for him/her, but you kind of forget how big animals can get! Ah! I'm glad I wasn't swimming in the ocean by that :)

My darling girlies.

Emi has been Steve's little sidekick lately! I have been a little jealous, I won't lie- but they are super cute together. Steve is the best dad.