When I didn't have my camera this year, I started taking photos with my cell phone. These are definitely not the greatest pixel count, but they are my favorite memories... This is a serious dump of photos!

Emi loves loves to put on wings and runs around the house saying "fly fly fly!"

We went to Palo Alto last Christmas and had hot chocolate, enjoyed the "snow," and made crafts! Supa fun :)

A picture probably taken during Maddie's swimming lesson- this little Emi has been so patient waiting by the pool. Soon, it will be her turn :)

We went ice skating last Christmas when Steve's sister in law was in town... what was I thinking taking two kids ice skating by myself?

Waiting at Macy's in SF for a table at the Cheesecake Factory

Ice Skating with Aunt Liz.

We went to Vegas with my Dad... and I LOVED the Wynn. In between filling our tummies with food, we watched this awesome a'cappella group from Africa.

View from Cheescake in SF.

Photos taken by Maddie in the car :)

What is this? Dunno.

Love these lips and cheeks.

My cute little car seat rider.

A photo taken by Maddie of all our Christmas cards last year.

Some love.

Lots of great days at the park.

This kid loves the monkey bars- and she rocks at it!

A trip to the museum in Sausolito. Love love this place.



What a view. This is why I live here. It really is the best. This was in January!

An airplane ride somewhere. Not sure where?

Good times at our favorite playground.

Maddie loves a good roller coaster- and this one she road by herself!

I stole (I know, I'm bad) these flowers from the side of the freeway!!! And, yes, I was caught. By a police officer. "What are you doing?" "Uhhhhhhhh. Picking flowers." "Oh, ok. Well, that's ok, but you can't park on the side of the freeway." "Ok. Thanks officer."
Can you believe I turned around and did it again 5 minutes later? I am SOOOO bad.

My darlings.

I LOOOOOVE these pics.

Maddie loves playing in this "jungle." This kid has one of the best imaginations I've met. I hope I don't squash it.

Can I freeze her? I don't want her to grow up.

Ah! A pic of the pacifier that is finally gone at our house!

She loves back packs and calls them "backies."

Very cute.

How did they take this at church?

These pics are super cute of them getting their haircut, but it was followed by lots of crying and WAY to much hair cut off.... never. going.there.again.

Rollercoaster with Grandma.

A last photo of Maddie with her preschool teacher. She was the best!!!

We got great america passes this year, and we tried to get a lot of uses out of it.

Summer fun!

Waiting in line...

Maddie's super favorite ride of all!

Cool. Way. Cool.

We love Devilla! Our swim teacher for the summer- oh, how we wish she could teach our kids all year round!

Cupcakes at Kara's cupcakes. Yum.

Beer in Germany. No- just kidding.

Germany food. Yes, I can't eat sausages anymore. Really- it is too much for me now.

Waiting in lots of train depots all over Germany with my bestest friends.

The usual train set up.

Raining in Berlin.

A really long and cold night in Zurich.

Unless I'm a zillionaire, I will never live in Switzerland. This was $45. Yes. CRAZY.

I am going gray. And no one believes me, but Maddie took a picture, and you can see it here. SEE?????? Oh well. Dying it must be.

It rained like I have never seen it in Utah while we were there last month.

Gorgeous flowers at Thanksgiving Point.

A pic of the family while we walked around the most AMAZING lake!

Maddie and Gabbie- bestest cousins.

Self Portrait.

Usually this little one is terrified of anything dressed up, but she did it! She gave him a HUG! YAY!

I took the girls to the beach last week and it was so nice to get away. This sand is amazing, if only Half Moon Bay could get rid of all that fog!

Lots of blue skies.

My life.

She decided at one point that she couldn't get any sand on her. Oh! Kind of hard to do that on the beach :)

Best Friends.

Steve and I celebrated our 12 ANNIVERSARY last week! We went on two back to back dates over the weekend that were awesome! The first night we went to dinner and a movie and the second night we went to Great America! It was super super fun.

Waiting in line like a couple of 18 years olds :)

We stayed at the park until it closed.

Not sure why this is the last photo, but seagulls are FEROCIOUS on the beach. They would not leave us alone :) I guess it had something to do with Maddie feeding them Ritz crackers?
Great memories. Thanks cell phone.