Where has October gone? Ah! Steve came and went to Berlin, Steve's mom came and visited, a couple of close friends are almost due or had their first children, my dad came and visited, Emilie is now kind of talking!! Lots of good things :)
Emilie's favorite word is "no, Noooooo, and Nooo way." Although it is kind of annoying, I have to admit I think it's really cute. Now she's also nodding and getting really excited about life around her. It is a really special time when they start blossoming into little kids and out of the baby stage. I'm trying to appreciate each moment because I know I'm going to be 80 years old soon! (ok not that fast!)
I've committed to read all of the complete works of CS Lewis. He is about my favorite author of all time. Right now I'm reading "The Problem of Pain." Although it almost takes me 5 minutes to read a page sometimes (because the thoughts are so deep and provoking), it has been a HUGE upper with the passing of my mom and some clarification and additions to thoughts that I've had. Anyway. love him.
I finally signed up for Facebook. I guess I've never done it because I didn't see the draw... and was afraid of the waste of time. But- I like it. I'm not a complete lover of it (spending hours on it), but I've reconnected with a lot of friends that I haven't seen in a while, and my favorite thing about it is their photos. If it could be just PHOTOS, that would be awesome. Maybe I could invent that and be a billionare :)
Today we went to a farm near our house to "pick" some pumpkins. I think we have our fair share at the moment.But, here are some quick picks:

Steve's mom came to visit last weekend and it was soooo nice. She let me take an afternoon off- and I went swimming, got a massage and had lunch with a friend. It was such a nice break. She and the girls hit it off the entire weekend- especially Emilie. Up until now, she was basically scared of everyone, and would cry if you got 2 inches from her. But, I think the winds are changing. She loved her... and we miss her already!