As we all know, kids = germs. Usually, we are pretty healthy, but for some reason (probably because we have 2 kids now), we have bit hit pretty hard by colds and flu.
While Steve was in

Berlin, and I was alone with the kids... Emilie got the flu, then Maddie got the flu, and then I got the flu. It was awesome. A week that I will quickly try to erase from my memory! Nothing was sweeter than the sound of the front door opening when Steve got home...
And- it was perfect timing. I just felt awful. I went in to see the doctor, and was sent home with the typical bronchitis diagnosis. But, the next day, I just felt like it wasn't bronchitis... so went to see another doctor. The new doctor looked again at my x-rays, took some more, and shyly said... "uh, you have pneumonia, not bronchitis. You were misdiagnosed."
When Steve was in business school, he learned about a study on overconfidence. Apparently, Harvard MBA's and doctors are so overconfident, that they are more likely to be wrong than right most of the time. And, doctors misdiagnose pneumonia about 90% of the time.
Seems intellectually interesting when you're in class, but when you're lying in your death bed... it's not so funny.

My first doctor forgot to check my side x-ray that showed all of the pneumonia (which couldn't be seen from the front view because it was blocked by my heart).
Key point: don't always trust what people tell you (especially doctors and Harvard MBA's!!!). Always ask questions and trust your instincts.
So, anyway... our new favorite place is YOGURTLAND!!!

If you are a lover of tart yogurt, or sweet yogurt, or sugar or anything delicious (!!) .... this is your place. I LOVE IT. I think I've been to it 1-2 x each week for the past month.

You serve yourself... you serve the yogurt... and the treats. The only dangerous thing about this is obvious, but I keep going back for more because it is soooo good and only 108 calories and 0 grams of fat per 1/2 cup of yogurt!!!!
Truly heaven in a cup.