Last week, we finished the cement work on our backyard. This was a huge milestone for us, because we basically have put the brakes on all projects on house so we don't go bankrupt! To say we are EXCITED for this backyard, is an understatement.
Imagine me singing "I CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR BACKYARD!!!"
Backyard= enclosed area for kids to play in, a place where we can put our patio set and eat dinner outside for the entire summer and fall, a place to read and relax....
While the crew was doing it, all of us were pressing our noses against the glass watching them. Cement work is really awesome- it's so creative, and you can change the look of something so quickly... here's a few pics:
this is not in the right order:

smoothing out the cement and putting in the lines...
spreading the cement after it's poured.

pouring the cement in the forms...

you always need a lot of people when you pour cement because it's sets so fast...

we're doing a little sitting wall with trees/shrubs in the middle

the sitting wall forms. so cool

a view from the side of the house

another view
Our backyard is so small that we really have to use all the possible space we can in the most efficient way. Some cement, some grass, a sitting wall, a fountain, a vegetable garden, a little sitting area... next on the list is a fence.